I Stopped Giving My Husband Blow Jobs For A Month: Here's What Happened

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As a married woman, I have always believed in keeping the spark alive in my relationship. Whether it's through date nights, small surprises, or physical intimacy, I've always made an effort to keep the flame burning. However, I recently decided to conduct an experiment in my marriage by abstaining from giving my husband blow jobs for an entire month. The results were surprising, to say the least.

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The Initial Decision

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Let's start from the beginning. I've been married to my husband for six years, and our sex life has always been an important part of our relationship. However, I noticed that I had fallen into a routine of always being the one to initiate intimate moments, including giving blow jobs. I started to feel like it was expected of me rather than something that was mutually enjoyable. This led me to the decision to take a break from performing oral sex on my husband to see how it would impact our relationship.

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The First Week

The first week of abstaining from blow jobs was definitely a challenge. I could tell that my husband was confused and a little frustrated by my sudden change in behavior. However, it also opened the door for us to have more open and honest conversations about our sex life. We discussed our desires, fantasies, and what we both wanted out of our intimate moments. It was a refreshing change of pace and brought us closer together.

Exploring Other Forms of Intimacy

With blow jobs off the table, my husband and I started to explore other forms of intimacy. We focused on trying new things in the bedroom, experimenting with different positions, and taking the time to really connect with each other on a deeper level. This shift in our focus allowed us to rediscover the joy of physical intimacy without feeling pressured to adhere to a specific routine.

Reconnecting Emotionally

As the weeks went on, I noticed that our emotional connection started to strengthen. Without the distraction of blow jobs, we were able to focus on nurturing our emotional bond. We spent more time talking, laughing, and simply enjoying each other's company. It felt like we were dating again, and it was a wonderful feeling.

The Impact on Our Marriage

By the end of the month, I had noticed a significant shift in our marriage. Our communication had improved, our sex life had become more adventurous, and we felt more connected than ever before. Abstaining from blow jobs had allowed us to rediscover each other in a way that we hadn't in years. It was a reminder that intimacy is about so much more than physical pleasure, but also about emotional connection and mutual respect.

Moving Forward

After the month was over, my husband and I had a candid conversation about our experiences. We both agreed that the break from blow jobs had been a positive change for our relationship. It allowed us to grow closer, both emotionally and physically, and reminded us of the importance of keeping things fresh and exciting in our marriage.

In conclusion, abstaining from giving my husband blow jobs for a month was a transformative experience for our marriage. It forced us to reevaluate our intimacy and brought us closer together in ways we never could have imagined. It was a reminder that sometimes, stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to incredible growth in our relationships.